Maxillofacial Surgery
Nikhil Maini is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in South East England. He specialises in jaw surgery, facial feminisation surgery and oral surgery.

Oral and Facial Surgery
Mr Maini has extensive training and experience in removal of skin lesions. He receives referrals from GPs and dermatologists for skin surgery. He has specialist training in all aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery including wisdom teeth surgery, expose and bond surgery for children and adults, mouth ulcers, patches and lumps.
Mr Maini performs orthognathic surgery to correct jaw proportions. He performs upper and lower jaw osteotomies and genioplasties. He works in collaboration with specific consultant orthodontists.
Facial feminisation surgery feminises the face by sculpting features to make them appear more feminine. Mr Maini has been trained and mentored over the course of several years to perform the full repertoire of facial feminisation surgery. Procedures available: Tracheal shave, genioplasty, jaw angle shave, cheek implants, lip lift, forehead and orbital contouring including type III, brow lift, hairline lowering.
Medical Secretaries
Nuffield Brighton Hospital
Warren Road
Brighton BN2 6DX
01273 627055
01273 627092
nikmaini@max-fac.com (private patient enquiries only)
Graystone Referral Centre
info@graystonereferral.com (medical insurance not accepted)
NHS Patient enquiries:
Royal Sussex County Hospital: 01273 696955 Ext 67623
Queen Victoria Hospital: 01342 414000
Eastbourne Hospital: 0300 131 4500 Ext 734819